No Strings Attached

WARNING: This post is being written by a very hormonal member of the female species. If you are easily offended, disgusted, or generally unsympathetic toward the female plight, DO NOT READ THIS POST. Any questions or comments can be addressed by the author of this post.

I was so very excited when my periods stopped. As in, no bleeding, no cramps, no bloating, and I didn't have to deal with that female problem. All because of my wonderful Mirena. I didn't care that I no longer had the excuse to be a bitch once a month, because I never really considered that an excuse. But dear God, do I hate my body right now!!

Stupid headaches, stupid cramps, stupidfreakinghormones that tell me I should go get some nooky. I DETEST YOU!!!! First time in two years that I've had to deal with a freaking "period" without the blood. My whole body aches. My pelvis is cramping. And my boobs....don't even get me started on those girls. It's like being in the first stages of pregnancy all over again!! And no, for those of you starting to freak because you're thinking I may be pregnant, I AM NOT. Two tests, ten days apart, have proven that. I've gotten way to paranoid about that kind of stuff since January.

The one thing I'm happy about is that Morgan is with her dad. Because I would be a total bitchy mom right now, and I know I'll be better by the time she comes home. I hope.

Ugh. It's a freaking period without the string attached. Pun intended.

Thank God Natalie and Ashton can still make me smile


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