Call To Arms

My computer is taking its sweet time to load the Blogger webpage. Its dear. Sweet. Time. So while I sit at my dining room table, with "Loading..." taking over my computer screen, I might as well start writing on my phone.

We've got one more day until Mother's Day. A list of people that will be filling our home and kitchen tomorrow afternoon. And a backyard that still needs to mowed and organized. And here I am, sitting in front of my computer with my cup of coffee and littles running around while my lover catches up on his sleep. And I couldn't be more content than I am right now.

Motherhood has become such a beautiful blessing in my life, and more than anything I'm thankful for the women that have come into my life through this blessing. Watching girls from high school grow into these incredibly strong women as they raise their children, new friends from four years ago reach out to help with fun time with the kiddos. Seeing women open their homes to other women for fellowship, community, and support. There is something to be said for a tribe of women that band together, even in the most unusual of circumstances. 

But what has struck me the most as knowledge of my connection to these women has turned to wisdom is just how heartbreaking it is when the most broken of women will lash out at another woman. Name calling. Belittling. Gossiping and spreading rumors and lies that are aimed at nothing more than to undermine another woman's character and reputation. 

And to what end? 

We call ourselves feminists, and yet so many of us will turn around and stab our fellow women in the back or tear us down instead of finding ways to lift eachother up or at the very least NOT SAY A DAMN NEGATIVE THING.

What good does it do to call a mother a bitch? Or spread lies that she has a criminal history? Or even say she's doing a shitty job of raising her kid because you witness a tantrum?

We've all been there. We are not perfect mothers. Heaven knows that I'm not. But I put my all into be a decent mother, partner, and friend. I reach out. I try to make those connections, even though I may be judged. Like my mother taught me to, I call the dirt as I see it, and I do my best to let the water of forgiveness and grace wash it away so I can hang onto a person's gold.

And I realize I'm going to be judged for this post. But please, ladies, stop being so petty. Stop trying to hurt other women simply because you are hurting. Life is tough enough without having to deal with this pettiness. The best gift you can give yourself and the women around you is support, above all else.

Happy Mothers Day, my fellow shield maidens!! Now lets cover each other's backs like we were meant to, ladies.


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